design: red barn muse creative group

As a licensed professional counselor, I collaborate with clients to build better lives. Work may be brief and solution-focused, or more complex as we explore the dynamics of personal concerns. By identifying behavioral patterns, clients discover what keeps them in a problematic cycle. While working with a wide scope of therapeutic concerns, my focus is on divorce/relationship recovery, the emotional aspects of cosmetic surgery, writing therapy, and issues related to addiction and recovery. An essential part of my work is to help people set achievable goals with realistic objectives. I believe artistic expression and spirit are essential to the human experience and understand the challenges during times of transition and imbalance. My goal is to support you as you awaken to the miraculous.Kim Walen,Portland Counseling,Portland Therapy,Portland Therapist,Portland Psychotherapy,Counseling,Couples Counseling,Family Counseling,Therapy,Couples Therapy,Family Therapy,Therapist,Psychotherapy,Mental,Health,Depression,Anxiety,addiction,cosmetic,surgery,divorce,recovery,relationship,writing,artistic,Portland,Downtown Portland Kim Walen provides Counseling and mental health services for individual adults, couples, families and groups.














Counseling,Therapy,Couples Therapy,Family Therapy,Therapist,Mental Health,Depression,Anxiety,Portland,Downtown Portland Kim Walen provides Counseling and mental health services for individual adults, couples, families and groups.