design: red barn muse creative group

I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in Oregon and a Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor (CADC I). I hold an MA in Counseling from George Fox University and a BA in English from the University of Washington. My career in psychology has included work in the drug and alcohol field (both residential and outpatient treatment), and mental health therapy in agencies and private practice. I have studied at The Attic Writer’s Workshop and believe that artistic appreciation is a vital part of a well balanced life. I welcome responses and inquiries. Please feel free to contact me at or by telephone at 503.422.1789. Kim Walen,Portland Counseling,Portland Therapy,Portland Therapist,Counseling,Couples Counseling,Family














Counseling,Therapy,Couples Therapy,Family Therapy,Therapist,Mental Health,Depression,Anxiety,Portland,Downtown Portland Kim Walen provides Counseling and mental health services for individual adults, couples, families and groups.