design: red barn muse creative group

Cosmetic Surgery Personal introspection explores the emotional stages of cosmetic surgery including the decision making process, post-surgical reactions, and adjustment to your new image. Through this process, we will review your life stage, overall life satisfaction and the connection between your internal and external image. While medical decisions are between you and your physician, my role will be to offer an atmosphere where you explore self-image. Therapy relates to attitudes and expectations that prompt the desire for cosmetic surgery as well as expectation vs. reality. Focus includes: • How image influences your life • How you adapt to life changes and transitions • Current life stage satisfaction • Reaction expectations Often, the changes we make in our lives do not lead to the results we expect. If this is true for you, post-surgery counseling will offer an opportunity to work through this adjustment.Kim Walen,Portland Counseling,Portland Therapy,Portland Therapist,Portland Psychotherapy,Counseling,Couples Counseling,Family Counseling,Therapy,Couples Therapy,Family Therapy,Therapist,Psychotherapy,Mental,Health,Depression,Anxiety,addiction,cosmetic,surgery,divorce,recovery,relationship,writing,artistic,Portland,Downtown Portland Kim Walen provides Counseling and mental health services for individual adults, couples, families and groups.














Counseling,Therapy,Couples Therapy,Family Therapy,Therapist,Mental Health,Depression,Anxiety,Portland,Downtown Portland Kim Walen provides Counseling and mental health services for individual adults, couples, families and groups.